The Rise of Industrial Capitalism
THEMATIC FOCUS Work, Exchange, and Technology (WXT)
The interplay between markets, private enterprise, labor, technology, and
government policy shape the American economy. In turn, economic activity shapes
society and government policy and drives technological innovation.
Unit 6: Learning Objective E
Explain the socioeconomic continuities and changes associated with the growth of industrial capitalism from 1865 to 1898.
Large-scale industrial production— accompanied by massive technological change, expanding international communication networks, pro-growth
government policies—generated rapid economic development and business consolidation.
Businesses made use of redesigned financial and management structures, advances in marketing, and a growing labor force to dramatically increase the production of goods.
Many business leaders sought increased profits by consolidating corporations into large trusts and holding companies, which further concentrated wealth.
Businesses increasingly looked outside U.S. borders in an effort to gain greater influence and control over markets and natural resources in the Pacific Rim, Asia, and Latin America.